Tandem Ride-on Roller Hire
Showing all 4 results
Electric Tandem Roller – 1200mm
The Electric Tandem Roller - 1200mm (Hamm HD 12e VV) offers electric operation without compromising the driving and compaction performance. Totally emission-free with low noise and high efficiency.
1200mm Ride-on Tandem Roller
1200mm Ride-on Tandem Roller by Hamm are the most recognised form of compaction equipment. These powerful diesel engines, ride-on rollers provide an unmatched compacting capability. Tandem rollers are primarily used for sub-base and asphalt compacting.
800mm Ride-on Tandem Roller
800mm Ride-on Tandem Roller by Hamm are the most recognised form of compaction equipment. These powerful diesel engines, ride-on rollers provide an unmatched compacting capability. Tandem rollers are primarily used for sub-base and asphalt compacting.
1000mm Ride-on Tandem Roller
1000mm Ride-on Tandem Roller by Hamm, featuring two vibrating roller drums. These powerful diesel engines, ride-on rollers provide an unmatched compacting capability.
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