The darker nights are almost here, so it’s well worth spending a little bit of extra time preparing the rest of your outside space for the colder weather – if you’ve not already started! The Winter months can be extremely harsh on your garden, and it’s fair to say that the cold weather doesn’t always fill anyone with motivation to go out and do some gardening.
So, to save you a bit of standing around in the cold while you give your space the once-over, we’ve put together a list of a few of the most crucial gardening jobs to get done before the cold chill of Winter kicks in. Plus, if you’re short of a few pieces of equipment to help you complete any of these jobs, we’re here to help – we provide our customers with quality equipment hire services, and we’ve got everything you need to complete your Winter gardening jobs through our garden tool hire service. We even supply plant machinery such as mini digger hire for any bigger jobs if needs be!
So, here are the top gardening jobs to get done this Autumn to ensure your garden is ready for the Winter.
Prepare your lawn
Start by raking off any thatch and moss from your lawn to allow it to breathe over the winter. If you’ve started noticing an excessive amount of moss on your lawn, then it’s possible that you could have a drainage issue. Not to worry though, there’s a quick fix to this problem – penetrating the surface of your lawn with a lawn aerator or even just a standard garden fork across the area will help massively in improving the drainage. To finish, it’s worth investing in some autumn lawn feed to help your lawn grow healthy and strong.
Trim down trees and shrubberies
Now’s the time to cut down any wayward branches on your shrubs and trees to improve their overall shape. You can do this very easily with the help of our chainsaw range, including electric and petrol handheld chainsaws, as well as telescopic chainsaws for added convenience. Look out for any dead, diseased or damaged branches, as you’ll need to remove these to stop them from spreading to the rest of the plant. If you’re thinking of adding some winter interest to your garden, then maybe consider adding some Burgundy Tibetan cherry, or a chalk-white paper birch to bring a real autumnal feel to your garden.
Maintain your borders
At this time of year, it’s also worth giving your borders a general tidy before it’s too cold to go outside. Clean up your borders by removing any dead foliage, leaves and weeds. This is also the perfect time to empty out your compost bins and spread the contents all over the soil to set it up for the spring. By doing this, you’ll provide yourself with fertile soil that’s perfect for planting luscious plants which will bloom perfectly in time for Spring next year.
Get rid of leaves
This one is unique to Autumn, as during the Spring and Summer seasons the trees haven’t started to lose their leaves yet. Once the ground is scattered orange, brown and yellow however, it’s time to get the garden blower out! If you prefer the manual option though, we also offer garden rakes to get the job done the old fashion way.

So, given that Winter is fast approaching, now is the time to get all of these jobs done and dusted so you can rest easy in the knowledge that your garden won’t require any more maintenance until next year. If you’re looking for any tools or equipment to help you complete any of these tasks, you’re in exactly the right place!
We’ve been providing quality equipment and tool hire services for more than 50 years here at Smiths Hire, operating from 16 tool hire depots across the North West & Yorkshire, including several in major hubs like Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds. If you have any questions regarding any of our products and services, then feel free to give our team a call on 0333 323 2100 or email
If however, you’d prefer to purchase your tools outright rather than hire them, you can also take your pick from a huge range of equipment at our Smiths Hire STIHL Store.