Smiths Hire take a lot of pride in being an outstanding hire firm. But like any modern business, we know it’s not possible to do this without being hard working and above all ethical. It’s because of this that we also take pride in the fact we’re an equal opportunities employer.
The construction industry has traditionally been male-dominated and has taken longer than other industries to modernise and embrace an equal, gender balanced employee ratio. Something that we at Smiths Hire have been doing for years now.
Gender inequality is something that has been in the news a lot in recent years – and rightly so. With some industries averaging less than 2% of women in higher-end roles. And with polls and surveys continually showing that women don’t feel as valued in the workplace as men.
Fortunately as awareness of the issue increases more and more businesses are doing their bit to address the balance and ensure that we see a greater sense of equality in business across all industries.
Smiths Hire are involved in this as well by making sure that their workforce is inclusive and currently 12% of their staff is made up of female workers and this figure is growing. And, ensuring the company employs based on experience and skillset, not on gender or antiquated, outdated stereotypes.

Our HR Manager pictured in one of our depots.
Company MDs David and Thomas Smith had this to say:
‘It’s important that regardless of industry, everybody feels they have a place within it. Regardless of the opportunity, career progression etc. no one should feel that something like that isn’t open to them because of their gender. This is vital and working within our industry that has always been traditionally male-led, pushing this in the right direction is something we’re both proud-of and passionate about.’
We have a number of women in roles throughout the company in Business Development, Training, Marketing, HR/Recruitment, Hiredesk and Finance with a large percentage of these roles at management level.

One of our Head Office team, who was recently nominated for our Above & Beyond Staff Incentive Scheme awards.
As a company we are also proud advocates of the Pride movement, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in the UK last month. Here at Smiths Hire we share the same values of acceptance and equality and are looking to break down those industry stereotypes.
We are dedicated to creating an inclusive and diverse workforce at all times throughout the year. We are looking to move into the future where our employees feel respected, supported and valued no matter what their age, sex or ethnicity.
So, no matter who you are, if you’re looking for an exciting career in hire, come join us! Contact us on 01253 600189 or email us at